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  • AR Educational Game


    User Experience Instalation Physical Interface Branding
    F.A.R.M visual


    Learn, Work, PLay

    F.A.R.M is a project created especially for Digifest 2017 Conference in Toronto. 217 edition highlighted stories of innovators using unique technologies to address global problems under the name of Work, Learn, and Play.

    Our team consisted of Jarek Kucharczyk - Art Direction, Concept and Visual Design / Peter Francella - Concept and Visual Design / Michael McGowan - Concept Design, 3D modelling, Unity Development / Charles Jackson - Concept Design, Unity Development / Rasin Zakaria - Developer


    Introduce social concept in an entertaining way

    Educating visitors of the Design Conference about challenges designers are facing when designing for sustainable future

    F.A.R.M visual
    F.A.R.M visual


    A Physical Augmented Reality Game

    Before the game starts, players watch a short video and answer 10 questions about it. Right answers determin a colour and size of the paddle they will play. The bigger the paddle the easier to hit the ball. Players collaborate in order to keep the ball afloat as long as possible. They are building a vertical farm. With every hit they win an asset.

    F.A.R.M visual


    Circle, Square & Triangle

    Visual identity of F.A.R.M had to align with the theme and visual identity of Digifest 2017. A circle represents idea of work, a square is learn and a triangle signifies play. I was limited with these 3 shapes, 2 shades of blue and 2 shades of red. A part of the challenge was to design visual markers for Augmented Reality image recognition that has been used in the game on the paddles. As the result I've created a caleidoscop-like logo that animates into different circular compositions. Each of these compositions served also as the AR marker for the game.

    F.A.R.M visual